Methods to share via system share sheet.

let s = "My text to share"

let didShare = Share.shareAsText(s);
let didShare = Share.shareAsURL("");
let didShare = Share.shareAsFile("My-File.txt", s);



  • Open system share sheet to share the content as a file, with the specified file name (with e). Returns true if share was completed by user amd false if input was invalid or user cancelled share. Drafts will create a temporary file for the purposes of the share and send it to the share sheet. The temporary file will be deleted after. Useful, for example, to create a text file and share to Mail, and it will be shared as an attachment to the email


    • filename: string
    • text: string

    Returns boolean

  • Open system share sheet to share the string provided as text. Returns true if share was completed by user, false if input was invalid or user cancelled the share.


    • text: string

    Returns boolean

  • Open system share sheet to share the url provided as a URL object. Returns true if share was completed by user and false if input was invalid or user cancelled share.


    • url: string

      should be a complete and valid URL

    Returns boolean