Script integration with Mastodon. The updateStatus method is a convenience method for posting a status update, but the entire Mastodon API can be used with the request method, which handles OAuth authentication and authorization to Mastodon hosts.

Post Status

// create Mastodon object
let mastodon = Mastodon.create("");
// post status
let success = mastodon.updateStatus("My post content!");

if success {
else {

Retreive Bookmarks

// Setup credentials to use
let host = ""
let id = "debug"

// create Mastodon object
let mastodon = Mastodon.create(host, id)

// api endpoint path
let path = "/api/v1/bookmarks"
// run the request to get data
let response = mastodon.request({
"path": path,
"method": "GET"

if (response.success) {
// request was successful, output text
else {
// log failure


  • Create new instance.


    • Optionalidentifier: string

    Returns Mastodon


  • Execute a request against the Mastodon API. For successful requests, the HTTPResponse object will contain an object or array or objects decoded from the JSON returned by Mastodon as appropriate to the request made. Refer to Mastodon API documentation for details about the expected parameters and responses. Drafts will handle wrapping the request in the appropriate OAuth authentication flow.


    • settings: {
          data?: {
              [x: string]: string;
          headers?: {
              [x: string]: string;
          method: string;
          parameters?: {
              [x: string]: string;
          path: string;
      • Optionaldata?: {
            [x: string]: string;

        An object containing data to be encoded into the HTTP body of the request..

        • [x: string]: string
      • Optionalheaders?: {
            [x: string]: string;

        An object contain key-values to be added as custom headers in the request. There is no need to provide authorization headers, Drafts will add those.

        • [x: string]: string
      • method: string

        The HTTP method, like "GET", "POST", etc.

      • Optionalparameters?: {
            [x: string]: string;

        An object containing key-values to be added to the request as URL parameters. Drafts will take care of encoding these.

        • [x: string]: string
      • path: string

        The path to the API endpoint in the Mastodon API. This should include the entire path, including api version, usually something like /api/v1/statuses This will be combined with the host used by the Mastodon instance making the call to build a complete URL.

    Returns HTTPResponse

  • Post a status update to a Mastodon account. Returns true if successful, false if not. After success the lastResponse object can be used to inspect response and get details such as the ID of the post created. Refer to Mastodon API POST /statuses documentation for response details.


    • content: string

      Content for the status update

    • OptionalcontentWarning: string

      Optional short string to use as the content warning (aka "spoiler text") for the post.

    • Optionalvisibility: mastodonVisibility

      The visibility status of the post, default "public"

    • OptionalisSensitive: boolean

      If true, the post will be marked as containing sensitive content.

    Returns boolean

  • Creates a new Mastodon object. Host parameter should be specified as the domain name of the instance you wish to target (i.e., not a full URL. Identifier is optional but recommend if you work with more than one Mastodon account.


    • host: string

      The domain name of the Mastodon instance to use. Use only the host name, not the full URL, i.e.

    • identifier: string

      Optional, but recommended, credential identifier for the account. This appears for identification purposes in Drafts Settings > Credentials and should be unique for each Mastodon account. We recommend using @username to help with identification.

    Returns Mastodon