FileManager objects can be used to read from or write to files in either the local Drafts app Documents directory, or iCloud Drive (inside the Drafts folder).Note that local files are not visible on iOS, and are only available for reading and writing via scripting.

// create a local file in App documents
let fmLocal = FileManager.createLocal(); // Local file in app container
let success = fmLocal.writeString("/ScriptedFile.txt", "This is the file * content");

// read from file in iCloud
let fmCloud = FileManager.createCloud(); // iCloud
let content = fmCloud.readString("/Test Folder/Test.txt")

// create a directory, and move a file to it
fmCloud.createDirectory("My Folder", "/");
fmCloud.moveItem("/TestFile.txt", "/My Folder/TestFile.txt", false);

// create file manager using a Bookmark
let bookmark = Bookmark.findOrCreate("My-Folder");
let fm = FileManager.createForBookmark(bookmark);


  • Get creation date of file at path.


    • path: string

    Returns Date

  • Get modification date of file at path.


    • path: string

    Returns Date

  • Get tags on file at path.


    • path: string

    Returns string[]

  • Set creation date of file at path. Returns true if successful, false if not.


    • path: string
    • date: Date

    Returns boolean

  • Set modification date of file at path. Returns true if successful, false if not.


    • path: string
    • date: Date

    Returns boolean

  • Set tags on the file at path.


    • path: string
    • tags: string[]

    Returns boolean


  • Creates a new FileManager object.


    • isLocal: boolean

      If true, the FileManager will be using the to the local Drafts app documents directory as its root directory, as it appears in the "On my …" area in the If false, it will use the Drafts5 iCloud folder as its root directory.

    Returns FileManager

  • Convenience method to create iCloud file manager. iCloud file managers work with files in the iCloud Drive/Drafts folder

    Returns FileManager

  • Convenience method to create local file manager. Note that local files are not visible on iOS in the Files app and are only available through the use of scripting.

    Returns FileManager


basePath: string

The base POSIX-style path to the directory used by this FileManager.

baseURL: string

The base local URL (file:/// format) to the directory used by this FileManager.

lastError: string

If a function fails, this property will contain the last error as a string message, otherwise it will be undefined.

  • Copy file or directory at fromPath to the toPath. From and to path should be complete paths with file names included.


    • fromPath: string
    • toPath: string
    • Optionaloverwrite: boolean

      If true, replace existing files in at the toPath. If false, abort operation if file exists at destination.

    Returns boolean

  • Create a directory with the specified name in the specified path. Returns true if directory successfully created.


    • name: string
    • path: string

    Returns boolean

  • Check if a file already exists at the given path.


    • path: string

    Returns boolean

  • List files and directories at the specified path. Array of full path will be returned.


    • path: string

    Returns string[]

  • Move file or directory at fromPath to the toPath. From and to path should be complete paths with file names included.


    • fromPath: string
    • toPath: string
    • Optionaloverwrite: boolean

      If true, replace existing files in at the toPath. If false, abort operation if file exists at destination.

    Returns boolean

  • Reads the contents of a JSON formatted file at the path. Returns undefined value if the file does not exist or could not be read and parsed as JSON. Contents could be an object, array of objects, etc., depending on the content of the JSON file.


    • path: string

      should begin with a / and be relative to the root directory of the FileManager.

    Returns object

  • Reads the contents of the file at the path. Returns undefined value if the file does not exist or could not be read.


    • path: string

      should begin with a / and be relative to the root directory of the FileManager.

    Returns string

  • Write the contents to the path in JSON format. Returns true if successful, false if the file could not be written successfully. This will override existing files!


    • path: string
    • content: object

    Returns boolean

  • Write the contents of the file at the path. Returns true if successful, false if the file could not be written successfully. This will override existing files!


    • path: string
    • content: string

    Returns boolean